My trainer has one and did a little research project on a roping horse with a torn suspensory. She has before and after ultrasounds of the horse and the results are very good. My horse colicked Saturday a week ago and for some reason could not get a vet close by to answer the phone. I was a little panicked and called her. She said bring him over so I did. She put him on the Theraplate until he pooped. Guess we shook the schit out of him. I really like what you can do with it. Sure helped my horse. She uses this on a regular basis and knows what to do with each horse. Don't know if it would work as well if you were inexperienced.
I've read about a lot of them. Some say that some models don't vibrate hard enough. Some say that some of them vibrate the wrong way and can cause more damage than good. I just really wanna know more before I commit. Now I'm over here in ghost town product research forum.
Be careful of imitations or copy cats. The Theraplate is the real deal. Google it or speak with a local Rep. Most people who own and use one will be happy to speak with you about it too. You are provided with a book and a phone App to tell you what levels and amount of time for each therapeutic session depending on what issue you are trying to treat/address. Researching the product will educate you about all the benefits. We own the 3x7 larger Theraplate and stand on it ourselves with our horses!