Posted 2023-09-11 10:27 PM Subject: RE: Never Forget
A Somebody to Everybody
Posts: 41354 Location: Under The Big Sky Of Texas
I'm really disappointed in BHW, BHW always did a 9/11 banner at the top of the page and did a memorial thread for who ever wanted to say something on it.. So sad!!! What happen?
Posted 2023-09-13 1:46 PM Subject: RE: Never Forget
Miss Laundry Misshap
Posts: 5271
Southtxponygirl - 2023-09-11 10:27 PM
I'm really disappointed in BHW, BHW always did a 9/11 banner at the top of the page and did a memorial thread for who ever wanted to say something on it.. So sad!!! What happen?
I think they tried. I never could get on yesterday and the URL said something with 9/11 in it.