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Injections = Back on Track, PHT, Supplements?

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Last activity 2014-02-19 8:40 PM
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Reg. Aug 2006
Posted 2014-02-10 3:45 PM
Subject: Injections = Back on Track, PHT, Supplements?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 950
Location: MO
Hey all,
I am sure this has been posted upteen times, and I have done a search but not found really what I am looking for. 

My 7 year old had to have injections last Monday. I am looking into either BOT or magnetic hock boots, along with a joint supplement. 

I think I found the supplement I am going to go with, Corta-Flex pellets. Any opinions on this one? My vet really wants him to have
hyaluronic acid as opposed to MSM. MSM can set his ulcers off if used long term from what I understand.

Now to the real mind spinning for me....BOT or Magnetics? I have read so many reviews on both and I am not sure which avenue to take at this point. I have heard wonderful attributes for both. I have heard some ok things on both has well. 
I have looked at all brands of magnets…PHT, Norfields, Classic Equine, Tag (I think), dura-tech, etc. I have been told by a chiro to get a less powerful blanket or boots because of different reasons. I would have to be VERY diligent about taking the blanket and/or hock boots off within the allotted time or numerous things such as tiring one out (because it does up the energy level), possible burning of the skin, etc can happen.  Anyone have an opinion on this or experience? Yell me the good, bad and ugly on magnetics, esp PHT. I am looking at their 3 in 1’s at the moment and Classic Equine’s hock boots. The whole bi-polar and uni-polar threw me for a loop.
I have heard BOT’s are not good when it gets hot out, because they get too hot for the horse. I don’t really want to buy something that I can only use 3 seasons out of the year. Summer in MO can get pretty hot with humidity.
I was close to buying both just because I don’t get it and would use one at certain times of the year and magnets other times. I also thought the 2 different therapies would be nice to interchange.
Maybe I am being paranoid because I don’t understand how each REALLY works, but can anyone enlighten me please?

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Reg. Sep 2003
Posted 2014-02-10 3:55 PM
Subject: RE: Injections = Back on Track, PHT, Supplements?

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 First thing to remember is these are 2 totally different therapies and do totally different things.
PHT Magnetic Products
Enhances ability of the body to remove toxins naturally

Improves circulation

Increases cellular oxygen

Reduces fluid retention...

Fight infection - enhances lymph flow

Helps to flush latic acid after workout

Supports biological healing

Reduces inflammation

Balances acid/alkaline balance

Relieves Pain

BOT how it works

How Back on Track works
Back on Track's joint and muscle support are all made of functional textiles with heat reflective properties. The textile is a synergy of ancient Chinese experience and modern scientific textile technology. During the manufacturing of polyester- or polyester fibres, the ceramic particles are fused into the fibres. When heated, the ceramic particles radiate a heat back towards the body. This reflected heat is long-wave heat radiation, which is also known as long wave infrared radiation.

Heat Radiation
It is well established and documented that long wave infrared heat radiation increases the blood circulation. The increased blood circulation in the tissues helps to relieve muscles tension and improves performance. One important property is the injury prevention effect, which you get when the protections are used for training and competition

There is no "build up" of time when using PHT. No worry about outside temperature with any of our products usage.
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Cowgirl Kat
Reg. Aug 2013
Posted 2014-02-11 11:58 AM
Subject: RE: Injections = Back on Track, PHT, Supplements?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 999
Location: Sunny So Cal
I use THE JointPLUS and BOT
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Reg. Aug 2006
Posted 2014-02-11 12:58 PM
Subject: RE: Injections = Back on Track, PHT, Supplements?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 950
Location: MO
 Thank you SG. SO are you saying that BOT does have a build up of heat? 
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Reg. Aug 2010
Posted 2014-02-14 12:51 PM
Subject: RE: Injections = Back on Track, PHT, Supplements?


Posts: 10
I personally like BOT and use them in Texas during the summer, I just make sure he is in the shade and do it when it is cooler out but I've never had an issue with him even sweating badly with them. I think a big thing with choosing BOT vs Magnetics is what is actually wrong too...They help different things. I do like the magnetic products as well, but the key is proper kit and use. The vet I work for stresses that so much. The blankets are supposed to be place over the acupressure points, which helps hugely, if the blanket fits properly and they actually hit those points. Good Luck.
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Reg. Sep 2003
Posted 2014-02-14 7:18 PM
Subject: RE: Injections = Back on Track, PHT, Supplements?

BHW Advertiser

Location: Here
Shushi - 2014-02-11 12:58 PM  Thank you SG. SO are you saying that BOT does have a build up of heat? 

BOT on website says ot reflects heat back into the body
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Reg. Nov 2008
Posted 2014-02-19 8:40 PM
Subject: RE: Injections = Back on Track, PHT, Supplements?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 621
Location: Arkansas
I use BOT sheet & quick wraps even in summer. I also use the classic equine hock magnetic wraps and use Platinum Performance CJ with my 13 yr old mare & she hasn't needed her hocks injected for 2 yrs now.
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