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Our Kidney Journey...10 year update :-)

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Reg. Oct 2013
Posted 2016-07-12 8:07 AM
Subject: RE: Our Kidney Journey...

I just read the headlines

Posts: 4483
Love the CC updates!
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run n rate
Reg. Feb 2007
Posted 2016-07-12 10:56 AM
Subject: RE: Our Kidney Journey...

Balance Beam and more...

Posts: 11486
Location: 31 lengths farms
readytorodeo - 2016-07-13 3:28 AM

Love CC. You are awesome. Not many would have done what you did and stood by thatblittle mare.

Forgive me if I get totally "weird" on everyone but I'm one of those kids that never felt like the quite fit in this world. From a young age I felt like I was an "imposter" if you will. Was a HS cheerleader, hated every minute of it other than I loved watching football and actually helped coach my dad's Pop Warner teams as a conditioning coach starting in 8th grade, LOL!!! My horses were the only place that I felt like I was okay, that I didn't have to be one of the "cool" kids. My Junior year I got kicked off the cheerleading team for being on the HS rodeo team, LOL, I had been a member of the rodeo team all 3 years, guess they just figured it out. Got called into the principals office and asked why I missed the game, due to some family stuff mom had pulled me out of school early, I went with her instead of to the game. The next day I had a HS rodeo, for the life of me I couldn't convince the principal that I had missed the game for family not rodeo and got booted from the team. Actually he said "If you want to be on this cheer team you need to quit rodeo, it isn't the image we are trying to portray with our young ladies"...Funny as heck since we lived in a total hick town. I didnt' earn too many points when I told him that A) I'd never been into the principals office before EVER because I was too busy keeping my grades up to rodeo and B) maybe I should be out drinking and partying with the other cheerleaders after the game instead of going home to take care of my horses...seeing as that must be the image he wanted to portray. He was stunned that my decision was to turn in my uniform, I laughed and said "Mr. X, in 20 years cheerleading won't even be a thing for me but my horses will, if this is a decision you are insisting I make then I choose my horses." Little did I know that 30 years later my horses were the thing that got me out of bed everyday no matter what was going on in life. Caretaking for my mom left me pretty depressed and isolated, there were days I got up because I had to take care of mom but the reason I could, the reason I could face the day are those 3 red horses in the pasture. They were my "someday". Someday it was going to be better, someday we were gong to get to go to races and shows, someday I'd figure CC out and her talent would finally be realized. Someday Dave and I would get to put ourselves first. Those 3 horse kept me alive in some dark days. You take care of the things that keep you afloat in times like that, whether they are perfect or talented or half crazy. They were and are my lifeline to having got to Someday.
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Reg. Oct 2009
Posted 2016-07-12 11:09 AM
Subject: RE: Our Kidney Journey...

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 596
Location: Somewhere in the middle of nowhere
I love that you have shared this with us! I definitely know "Someday" all too well....."Someday" I will get back in the arena too and me and my pony will show everyone our "Someday" has arrived!

Keep sharing....Sometimes it the smallest of details that gives us the greatest hope. I'm right there with you sista!
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run n rate
Reg. Feb 2007
Posted 2016-07-12 12:46 PM
Subject: RE: Our Kidney Journey...

Balance Beam and more...

Posts: 11486
Location: 31 lengths farms
I remember my mom telling some one when they asked how she did everything (she raised 6 kids and 4 foster kids basically on her own as my dad was stationed over seas basically from the Korean War thru the end of Vietnam with short trips home between) and she said "you just put your feet on the floor every morning". That's what these horses do for us, make it possible to put our feet on the floor and hold on till that someday comes.
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Chandler's Mom
Reg. Jan 2015
Posted 2016-07-13 4:13 AM
Subject: RE: Our Kidney Journey...

My Heart Be Happy

Posts: 9159
Location: Arkansas
run n rate - 2016-07-12 12:46 PM

I remember my mom telling some one when they asked how she did everything (she raised 6 kids and 4 foster kids basically on her own as my dad was stationed over seas basically from the Korean War thru the end of Vietnam with short trips home between) and she said "you just put your feet on the floor every morning". That's what these horses do for us, make it possible to put our feet on the floor and hold on till that someday comes.

I've said it before and will again---she is a blessed mare to have you as her momma. But she repays you in spades---these horses give as much or more to us as we do them. I'm so glad God gave y'all to each other, and that you had your momma's strength in you to carry on her legacy. . . . Many hugs to you and CC
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run n rate
Reg. Feb 2007
Posted 2016-08-05 3:14 PM
Subject: RE: Our Kidney Journey...

Balance Beam and more...

Posts: 11486
Location: 31 lengths farms
We could use some prayers...After riding last night CC urinated very thick nasty almost mucus and then kept posturing to urinate afterwards. I had nothing in my hand available to catch what she urinated to grab a sample for the vet. My vet is off today, spoke to him and sent him a picture of the goo she passed, he felt without being able to test it that she more than likely has a UTI. His best recommendation without being able to see her was to put her on antibiotics, then Monday bring her in to have her bladder flushed and checked.
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Reg. Oct 2009
Posted 2016-08-05 3:34 PM
Subject: RE: Our Kidney Journey...some prayers please 08/05/2016

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 596
Location: Somewhere in the middle of nowhere
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run n rate
Reg. Feb 2007
Posted 2016-08-05 3:54 PM
Subject: RE: Our Kidney Journey...some prayers please 08/05/2016

Balance Beam and more...

Posts: 11486
Location: 31 lengths farms
Thank you...looking back this is really our first big set back and I should feel blessed but I'm sick to my stomach. This is disgusting but I ran my fingers thru the goo last night so I could at least tell him what it felt like, no grit to it, seriously felt like yogurt or mucus. Tuesday when I rode there was no signs of anything.
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Reg. Apr 2006
Posted 2016-08-05 3:58 PM
Subject: RE: Our Kidney Journey...some prayers please 08/05/2016

Go Get Em!

Posts: 13502
Location: OH. IO
Prayers for your girl!!!!
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Reg. Jan 2011
Posted 2016-08-05 4:42 PM
Subject: RE: Our Kidney Journey...some prayers please 08/05/2016


Posts: 1207
Prayers for your girl. Maybe it is because of the heat.
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Reg. Oct 2013
Posted 2016-08-05 5:09 PM
Subject: RE: Our Kidney Journey...some prayers please 08/05/2016

I just read the headlines

Posts: 4483
Prayers for your girl .
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run n rate
Reg. Feb 2007
Posted 2016-08-05 5:13 PM
Subject: RE: Our Kidney Journey...some prayers please 08/05/2016

Balance Beam and more...

Posts: 11486
Location: 31 lengths farms
Yes, its been 105+ for the last 10 days until yesterday thank goodness. Talking to a few people about kidney's apparently electrolytes are a catch 22, some of them have too much sugars in them and I had her on electrolytes for the last few weeks due to the extreme heat.
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Reg. Jul 2004
Posted 2016-08-05 5:33 PM
Subject: RE: Our Kidney Journey...some prayers please 08/05/2016

Scorpions R Us

Posts: 9585
Location: So. Cali.
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Chandler's Mom
Reg. Jan 2015
Posted 2016-08-05 5:39 PM
Subject: RE: Our Kidney Journey...

My Heart Be Happy

Posts: 9159
Location: Arkansas
Sending up many prayers right now for you and our precious CC. Expecting good news Monday
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run n rate
Reg. Feb 2007
Posted 2016-08-06 8:56 PM
Subject: RE: Our Kidney Journey...some prayers please 08/05/2016

Balance Beam and more...

Posts: 11486
Location: 31 lengths farms
Rode Tucker and Poopie Girl early this morning, CC was not happy about being left out. I grabbed her halter and she jogged to the gate, stuffed her head in and then drugs thru the gate. Little confused as to why we didn't stop at the trailer to be saddled, I lead her up our driveway and around the worked up area a few times. I was hugging and puffing trying to stay up with her, which is nothing new. Seems to behaving like her normal self. Running blood tests on Monday.
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Reg. Dec 2007
Posted 2016-08-06 9:37 PM
Subject: RE: Our Kidney Journey...some prayers please 08/05/2016

BHW Resident Surgeon

Posts: 25351
Location: Bastrop, Texas
I hope she's better. You've been through so much with her.
Is she getting CurOst?
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run n rate
Reg. Feb 2007
Posted 2016-08-06 10:05 PM
Subject: RE: Our Kidney Journey...some prayers please 08/05/2016

Balance Beam and more...

Posts: 11486
Location: 31 lengths farms
Actually I pulled her off everything but her ENC herbs and vinagar about a month ago. I was out of town for a week and tried to simplify things for my fiancΓ© while I was gone. CC actually gained weight so I decided that was the diet I had her on when we first found the stones and she did well. Thought maybe I was just over complicated things and asking too much of her systems.

Edited by run n rate 2016-08-06 10:07 PM
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Reg. Apr 2006
Posted 2016-08-07 7:45 PM
Subject: RE: Our Kidney Journey...some prayers please 08/05/2016

Go Get Em!

Posts: 13502
Location: OH. IO
Do you have her on or have you looked at the benefits of lysine?Just wondering cause I can't remember.
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run n rate
Reg. Feb 2007
Posted 2016-08-08 11:56 AM
Subject: RE: Our Kidney Journey...some prayers please 08/05/2016

Balance Beam and more...

Posts: 11486
Location: 31 lengths farms
No Jake16 I do not...when we first found out about the kidney stones there was so little info I could find other than the prognosis isnt' very good, it was why we went with the herbs, it was the only thing I could find that gave us any hope at all. Even the vets didn't seem to have much info other than "this is how they should function and this is how her's are functioning" , no medicines or supplements other than diet suggestions which basically were "no alfalfa, no beet pulp, watch protein levels in feeds". What specifically does the Lysine help with? CC has an appointment this afternoon, praying this is just a slight set back, she has continued to be herself all weekend, trotting around her pasture and trying to stomp my dog when she decided that Paisley was too close to her feed bucket. Her heart rate, pulse and capilary refill was good.
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Reg. Apr 2006
Posted 2016-08-08 3:08 PM
Subject: RE: Our Kidney Journey...some prayers please 08/05/2016

Go Get Em!

Posts: 13502
Location: OH. IO
run n rate - 2016-08-08 12:56 PM

No Jake16 I do not...when we first found out about the kidney stones there was so little info I could find other than the prognosis isnt' very good, it was why we went with the herbs, it was the only thing I could find that gave us any hope at all. Even the vets didn't seem to have much info other than "this is how they should function and this is how her's are functioning" , no medicines or supplements other than diet suggestions which basically were "no alfalfa, no beet pulp, watch protein levels in feeds". What specifically does the Lysine help with? CC has an appointment this afternoon, praying this is just a slight set back, she has continued to be herself all weekend, trotting around her pasture and trying to stomp my dog when she decided that Paisley was too close to her feed bucket. Her heart rate, pulse and capilary refill was good.

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