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Equiresp, the new big thing...the good, bad and ugly, is it WORTH it?

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Reg. Oct 2013
Posted 2015-03-24 10:34 AM
Subject: RE: Equiresp, the new big thing...the good, bad and ugly, is it WORTH it?

I just read the headlines

Posts: 4483
Actually anything can become imbedded in your lungs and cause damage.. pollution, dirt, etc. If you take to much of anything, even vitamins, you can irreparably harm yourself.
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Reg. Nov 2014
Posted 2015-03-24 10:38 AM
Subject: RE: Equiresp, the new big thing...the good, bad and ugly, is it WORTH it?


Posts: 15
First want to thank Extreme Veteran for helping people understand that the amount given to the mice was much more than you would typically do. Up to six hours a day. And the final call in both studies was that at a smaller dose there was NOAEL which stands for No-Observed-Adverse-Effect Level (toxicology studies)
The longest protocol EquiSilver has is 30 minutes a day for 8 days with a day off after every two, and states to consult your veterinarian if condition persist, then a once weekly maintenance. There is nothing anywhere stating daily use at high levels. 15 cc is recommended dosage.
The study by Dr. Thomas Tobin states:
"A major limiting factor in equine performance is low grade respiratory tract infections. Chelated Silver inhalation eliminates infections in the respiratory tract by generating reactive oxygen species and these reactive species are active against all types of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi and viruses. These therapeutic benefits have the potential to translate into improved athletic performance while still meeting the criteria for therapeutic medication."
[Dr. Thomas Tobin. Veterinarian, Pharmacologist, Toxicologist, author of β€œDrugs and the Performance horse”]
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and the great thing is you don’t have to use a product you don’t want to. Those who are, are seeing amazing results and posting them. All Equi-Resp did was bring more affordable equipment to the market to utilize a product that has a proven history.
I will continue to state, 10 YEARS PROVEN HISTORY, used by top vets around the country and worldwide. Approved for day of race use in most states. All natural and in some cases based on FB post, replacing Lasik and approved by owners vets. I think the confusion comes in the fact that the Equi-Resp equipment is new on the market, not the EquiSilver. But with the two combined we are seeing great results.
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Reg. Nov 2012
Posted 2015-03-24 9:56 PM
Subject: RE: Equiresp, the new big thing...the good, bad and ugly, is it WORTH it?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 307
Location: Florida
CanCan - 2015-03-20 10:30 AM

I wouldn't hook my horse up to a mask and tubing that had been used on 50 other horses. I don't care what they say. Hospitals aren't sharing this equipment among humans for a reason.

My daughter actually had bronchiolitis and we used a "loaner" nebulizer from the doctor. The machines can be safely shared as long as they're maintained, there is a new, personal mask for each user.
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Reg. Mar 2013
Posted 2015-03-25 6:32 AM
Subject: RE: Equiresp, the new big thing...the good, bad and ugly, is it WORTH it?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 473
I will also add that I have had multiple vets recommend the silver over albuterol. I really think you need to pick your battles. If your horse has severe allergies would you rather load him up on Dex (which I have personally seen founder a horse) or albuterol, or use the silver?
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Reg. Feb 2010
Posted 2015-03-25 12:31 PM
Subject: RE: Equiresp, the new big thing...the good, bad and ugly, is it WORTH it?

Elite Veteran

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Location: Alberta, Canada
AfleetEquine - 2015-03-25 4:32 AM

I will also add that I have had multiple vets recommend the silver over albuterol. I really think you need to pick your battles. If your horse has severe allergies would you rather load him up on Dex (which I have personally seen founder a horse) or albuterol, or use the silver?

I LOVE this post!!! I am living first hand the results of dex. not founder but a million other issues. Yes, there are horses that can handle the steroid better than others. there are horses out there (like mine) that it literally can't! I'll take my chances with silver thanks!
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Reg. May 2007
Posted 2015-03-25 12:55 PM
Subject: RE: Equiresp, the new big thing...the good, bad and ugly, is it WORTH it?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 462
Location: Louisiana
This one is from Big Dee's Tack & Vet Supplies
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Reg. May 2007
Posted 2015-03-25 1:00 PM
Subject: RE: Equiresp, the new big thing...the good, bad and ugly, is it WORTH it?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 462
Location: Louisiana
Check out Big Dee's Tack & Vet Supplies They have a nice setup for $289.95
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coastal rider
Reg. Apr 2006
Posted 2015-03-25 2:29 PM
Subject: RE: Equiresp, the new big thing...the good, bad and ugly, is it WORTH it?


Posts: 139
Location: Abbotsford B.C. Canada
I suggest you look at using a good omega three supplement like the new Alltech algae based ones or even an oz or two of fish oil a day or at least a cup of milled flax a day. The research indicates that this changes the membrane in the red blood cell so it folds up and goes through the micro capillaries a lot easier. This may help circulation in the lungs.

This is not a cure just a support for the horse and the omega three fatty acids act as a natural anti inflammatory anyways. Most performance horses have some bleeding and lung inflammation so it should help.

This is on top of any other stuff you choose.

Coastal Rider
Coastal Rider

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Reg. Jun 2006
Posted 2016-07-13 3:36 PM
Subject: RE: Equiresp, the new big thing...the good, bad and ugly, is it WORTH it?

Legal Beagle

Posts: 2809
Location: Central Okla.
AfleetEquine - 2015-03-25 6:32 AM I will also add that I have had multiple vets recommend the silver over albuterol. I really think you need to pick your battles. If your horse has severe allergies would you rather load him up on Dex (which I have personally seen founder a horse) or albuterol, or use the silver?

My vet just told me yesterday to give my horse a breathing treatment every day for a week to help clear up a respiratory issue.  Has anyone actually had a horse get worse or sick using equiresp or the like? I've only heard of horses getting better and bleeders who stop bleeding. I want to hear the bad stories too. If they exist.

Edited by Pebbles! 2016-07-13 3:39 PM
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Reg. Jul 2016
Posted 2016-07-23 10:54 PM
Subject: RE: Equiresp, the new big thing...the good, bad and ugly, is it WORTH it?


Posts: 3
I have a horse currently in ICU and the only thing we changed was he was given two breathing treatments.
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Reg. Jul 2016
Posted 2016-07-23 10:58 PM
Subject: RE: Equiresp, the new big thing...the good, bad and ugly, is it WORTH it?


Posts: 3
What happened with you? I have a horse currently in ICU at UF and the only thing we added was breathing treatments. He had one on a Sunday and the other Wednesday am... by Wednesday evening he had a 106 fever and 80 bpm heart rate.
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