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LaVoy Finecum......what really happened to him?

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Reg. Dec 2003
Posted 2016-02-12 9:02 PM
Subject: RE: LaVoy Finecum......what really happened to him?

Military family


Posts: 19623
Location: Peg-Leg Julia Grimm
"We must dispel myths surrounding protest". by the Capital Press Newspaper published in the northwest. It's a farm and ranch oriented paper.
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Reg. Dec 2003
Posted 2016-02-12 9:05 PM
Subject: RE: LaVoy Finecum......what really happened to him?

Military family


Posts: 19623
Location: Peg-Leg Julia Grimm
NJJ - 2016-02-12 7:00 PM

OregonBR - 2016-02-12 8:52 PM
Vickie - 2016-02-12 4:23 PM Do you all really condone Cliven Bundy running cattle on public land and refusing to pay rent?   If you didn't pay rent on a house what would happen?  If you took up arms to fight the eviction would you expect people to support you?  Think about who you are putting up there as your  heros.  If your tenant wouldn't pay rent and pulled a gun on you when you went to collect would you be as nice as the government has treated the Bundys?
The issue with the ranchers not paying their grazing fees is this. How would you feel about paying for something for 6 years and not be allowed to use it or at a arbitrary lesser number? That's what has been happening. The feds took land they didn't own and had no right to hold then sold the rights to it back to the ranchers. LaVoy paid his grazing fees for a parcel of land he OWNED the grazing rights to. He purchased these rights from the previous owner of his land. The BLM took the land and made him pay for the grazing rights he already owned. Then they kept him from grazing it for 6 years. Hammonds were fined $400,000 and got 5 years in federal prison for an infraction that caused less than $200 damage or actually improved the land that was burned AND they were prosecuted as terrorists. Yet the BLM can burn hundreds of thousands of acres of private land and not get fined, prosecuted or even a black mark in their personnel file. You think that's fair? NJJ it IS really funny (not) that with all the links and c & p that have been made available in the spirit of education, some of you haven't read any of it.

I agree that there has been a LOT of posts of links and "cut & paste" and a lot of it was from self serving and VERY biased web sites......
you are the ones beating the "dead horse".........


REALLY!!?? You have to even go there? It's because the establishment news outlets wouldn't know real news if it bit them. They are owned BY the liberal establishment.

Edited by OregonBR 2016-02-12 9:06 PM
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Reg. Sep 2004
Posted 2016-02-12 9:48 PM
Subject: RE: LaVoy Finecum......what really happened to him?


Posts: 4565
Location: I can see the end of the world from here!
NJJ - 2016-02-12 7:54 PM
Nevertooold - 2016-02-12 8:41 PM I'm not persay a Bundy fan but I am a fan of what they are standing for and I'm not a fan of the federal government pushing ranchers off of their land.

This is what it's about.


From Ammon Bundy Feb 12 2016 - PLEASE SHARE

I would like to thank the hundreds of thousands of supporters across this great country who understand what is reall...y going on. Thank you for your thoughts; thank you for looking beyond the headlines and researching the truth. And most of all thank you for your continual prayers.
For several decades federal agencies have been taking ranches, mines, properties, and forests all over the United States. They remove the rightful owners in the name of government and begin using the property for their own benefit. Through these actions federal agencies have destroyed the economies of hundreds of counties leaving the people with very little to survive on.

Those who stand up to them, like the Hammonds and my father Cliven Bundy, are prosecuted in federal court and thrown into prison.

Most of these ranches, mines, properties, were established well over a hundred years ago long before the US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service were even thought of.

The Constitution of the United States restricts federal government from owning mass amounts of land inside an established state. It also does not give authority for federal agencies to purchase land inside the states without permission from the state legislatures. Federal agencies refuse to recognize the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. They openly and blatantly break the law and put the people’s liberty at risk by doing so.

This is why we made a hard stand at the refuge. Our statement is this: The land belongs to the people, not government. Government officials must follow the laws people have placed upon them. Liberty by definition is freedom from arbitrary or despotic government control. Let us learn from the lessons of the past. We must get our government in control and back to benefiting the people. If we can do this, we may prosper as a nation once again and pass freedom on to our children.

With respect and love,

Ammon Bundy.


I guess that is a good way to spin it....but what about the forgotten facts that legal dispute with Cliven Bundy centered around UNPAID grazing fees.......

That dispute started when Bundy declined to renew his permit for cattle grazing on BLM lands because he didn't like the changes in the rules (kind of like trying to tell your landlord you don't agree with his rent so you don't pay it). BUT he continued to graze his cattle on public lands without a permit. This went on for YEARS and he didn't pay any fees......


I'm pretty dan** sure that the Bundy's aren't 'spinning it', they are living it. For all of us. 
I think it's pretty interesting that the divide has now affected ranchers, farmers...this country is so divided. How did that happen? There are ranchers who were never targeted, farmers who have accepted lots of 'farm aid'...they are protecting their 'cash cow'. They are NOT going to side with the Constitution! The Bundy's did...and I have the utmost respect for them. If others don't? Well, I guess I must ask why not? Are they just into it for themselves? They sure aren't into it for the Ntion. Period. Read the Constitution! It's ALL there!

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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2016-02-12 9:50 PM
Subject: RE: LaVoy Finecum......what really happened to him?

I Prefer to Live in Fantasy Land

Posts: 64864
Location: In the Hills of Texas
I have family in Nevada and the BLM have been pimping them for years as they are surrounded by BLM land and the BLM wants the land they own. The BLM are nothing but bullies and an unconstitutional arm of the federal government. Like I said...I'm not a fan of Bundy but I am a fan of all the ranchers that have played by the BLM's rules and all they keep getting is screwed. When you pay for a lease and then the landlord keeps telling you every year you can't use it or you have to graze less cattle on it for the same rent..I think you would be a little ticked also..

I'm old so I won't see what the end result of the government over reach and I hope others that are ignoring this enjoy what you're going to get.

It doesn't tick you off that Black Lives Matter can burn, loot and shut down interstates and bridges and call for the deaths of police but a handful of ranchers fighting for their livelihood are terrorists and need to be arrested is okay? We are doomed. Might as well hand over everything you own and ask for your uniform.

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Reg. Sep 2004
Posted 2016-02-12 9:56 PM
Subject: RE: LaVoy Finecum......what really happened to him?


Posts: 4565
Location: I can see the end of the world from here!
I dare anyone to watch this...Unfiltered. Stuff you haven't seen yet. If you can watch this and still ve on the fence? Well, let me just say that out west the fences are all barbed wire...gets a little 'rough'...no juevos, you sit too long...comphrende? lol
My film about the happenings that took place in Nevada 2014 premieres on NewsmaxTV tonight at 9pm ET. Repeats at midnight ET. See what REALLY happened that day. Go to NewsmaxTV.com for channel listings or to watch online in real time.
You can buy it here, too, instead of waiting:
http://TONIGHT: 'A DAY AT BUNDY'S' My film about the happenings that took place in Nevada 2014 premieres on NewsmaxTV tonight at 9pm ET. Repeats at midnight ET. See what REALLY happened that day. Go to NewsmaxTV.com for channel listings or to watch online in real time.

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Reg. Dec 2007
Posted 2016-02-13 8:56 AM
Subject: RE: LaVoy Finecum......what really happened to him?

BHW Resident Surgeon

Posts: 25351
Location: Bastrop, Texas
I think there is a growing movement against government tyranny and overreach. Since I don't have a lot of familiarity with what these ranchers are dealing with, I'm just sitting back and watching the developments.
It's hard to find objective, unbiased coverage of this. I love seeing any backlash against any government overreach and any exposure of government tyranny.
Did Bundy refuse to pay the rent? Why, specifically?
Was Finicum actually murdered? Where's the autopsy results? Did the family have a 2nd autopsy done? If so, why are they keeping this silent?
Where are the politicians? Where is the national media coverage? They are quick to put cops under the spotlight when some thug is shot by cops, but when a guy like Finicum is gunned down, it's barely even mentioned.
At the very least they should be demanding an investigation to settle this and put it to rest.

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foundation horse
Reg. Aug 2004
Posted 2016-02-13 9:24 AM
Subject: RE: LaVoy Finecum......what really happened to him?

Military family

Semper Fi

Location: North Texas
Bear - 2016-02-13 8:56 AM

I think there is a growing movement against government tyranny and overreach. Since I don't have a lot of familiarity with what these ranchers are dealing with, I'm just sitting back and watching the developments.
It's hard to find objective, unbiased coverage of this. I love seeing any backlash against any government overreach and any exposure of government tyranny.
Did Bundy refuse to pay the rent? Why, specifically?
Was Finicum actually murdered? Where's the autopsy results? Did the family have a 2nd autopsy done? If so, why are they keeping this silent?
Where are the politicians? Where is the national media coverage? They are quick to put cops under the spotlight when some thug is shot by cops, but when a guy like Finicum is gunned down, it's barely even mentioned.
At the very least they should be demanding an investigation to settle this and put it to rest.

The absence of Main Stream Media Coverage in regards to this event is telling.
Also, the lack of Public Statements from Local, State or Federal Politicians reveals there is something in this event that The Pols do not want publicized.

While perhaps I question these folks' methods, I stand by their very right to question The Federal Government in regards to their actions! And from my individual perspective, the 'questioning' of The Feds is what scaring the Feds!

Nowhere in the Constitution, is there any Constitution Authority pertaining to The BLM, Federal Forest Service, or owning land in the amounts The Feds have.
Historical research reveals that The BLM is a descendant of The General Land Office whose original mandate was to DISPERSE Federally Owned to The American Public! Does the term Homesteading ring a bell with anyone here historically speaking?

My final analysis of this event along with others is that The Federal Government is rogue.
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Reg. Dec 2007
Posted 2016-02-13 10:40 AM
Subject: RE: LaVoy Finecum......what really happened to him?

BHW Resident Surgeon

Posts: 25351
Location: Bastrop, Texas
foundation horse - 2016-02-13 9:24 AM
Bear - 2016-02-13 8:56 AM I think there is a growing movement against government tyranny and overreach. Since I don't have a lot of familiarity with what these ranchers are dealing with, I'm just sitting back and watching the developments. It's hard to find objective, unbiased coverage of this. I love seeing any backlash against any government overreach and any exposure of government tyranny. Did Bundy refuse to pay the rent? Why, specifically? Was Finicum actually murdered? Where's the autopsy results? Did the family have a 2nd autopsy done? If so, why are they keeping this silent? Where are the politicians? Where is the national media coverage? They are quick to put cops under the spotlight when some thug is shot by cops, but when a guy like Finicum is gunned down, it's barely even mentioned. At the very least they should be demanding an investigation to settle this and put it to rest.
The absence of Main Stream Media Coverage in regards to this event is telling. Also, the lack of Public Statements from Local, State or Federal Politicians reveals there is something in this event that The Pols do not want publicized. While perhaps I question these folks' methods, I stand by their very right to question The Federal Government in regards to their actions! And from my individual perspective, the 'questioning' of The Feds is what scaring the Feds! Nowhere in the Constitution, is there any Constitution Authority pertaining to The BLM, Federal Forest Service, or owning land in the amounts The Feds have. Historical research reveals that The BLM is a descendant of The General Land Office whose original mandate was to DISPERSE Federally Owned to The American Public! Does the term Homesteading ring a bell with anyone here historically speaking? My final analysis of this event along with others is that The Federal Government is rogue.

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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2016-02-13 10:45 AM
Subject: RE: LaVoy Finecum......what really happened to him?

I Prefer to Live in Fantasy Land

Posts: 64864
Location: In the Hills of Texas
If you don't find this scary and telling...You are really doomed and might as well hand over everything to the King..

On Friday,President Obama signed the 'Patriot Defense of Liberty Enabler Act' which is his latest in a series of Executive Orders to bring the U.S.'in compliance with United Nations Agenda 21'.
The President says his plan will allow the Federal Government to 'assume control of all Federal territory in case of a National Emergency or civil disobedience' and 'enhance Jade Helm protocols'.?The act would also allow U.N. Troops to assist U.S. forces when needed on domestic soil.
What do you think about the President's executive order that would allow the Federal Government to assume authority over 'all States and Territories' in the United States.Is this Obama's grab for Martial Law and a third term as President?
Join FOX & Friends Weekend as we discuss Obama's takeover of America with Constitutional Law experts Judge Jeanine PirroTed Nugent,and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin this weekend on Fox News


Edited by Nevertooold 2016-02-13 10:48 AM
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Reg. Sep 2004
Posted 2016-02-13 10:46 AM
Subject: RE: LaVoy Finecum......what really happened to him?


Posts: 4565
Location: I can see the end of the world from here!
foundation horse - 2016-02-13 8:24 AM
Bear - 2016-02-13 8:56 AM I think there is a growing movement against government tyranny and overreach. Since I don't have a lot of familiarity with what these ranchers are dealing with, I'm just sitting back and watching the developments. It's hard to find objective, unbiased coverage of this. I love seeing any backlash against any government overreach and any exposure of government tyranny. Did Bundy refuse to pay the rent? Why, specifically? Was Finicum actually murdered? Where's the autopsy results? Did the family have a 2nd autopsy done? If so, why are they keeping this silent? Where are the politicians? Where is the national media coverage? They are quick to put cops under the spotlight when some thug is shot by cops, but when a guy like Finicum is gunned down, it's barely even mentioned. At the very least they should be demanding an investigation to settle this and put it to rest.
The absence of Main Stream Media Coverage in regards to this event is telling. Also, the lack of Public Statements from Local, State or Federal Politicians reveals there is something in this event that The Pols do not want publicized. While perhaps I question these folks' methods, I stand by their very right to question The Federal Government in regards to their actions! And from my individual perspective, the 'questioning' of The Feds is what scaring the Feds! Nowhere in the Constitution, is there any Constitution Authority pertaining to The BLM, Federal Forest Service, or owning land in the amounts The Feds have. Historical research reveals that The BLM is a descendant of The General Land Office whose original mandate was to DISPERSE Federally Owned to The American Public! Does the term Homesteading ring a bell with anyone here historically speaking? My final analysis of this event along with others is that The Federal Government is rogue.

Contrary to popular belief, Bundy did NOT refuse to pay, they refused to accept money because they wanted him off the land. Cliven then refused to leave, he cancelled his contract with the fed, legally...you see, he found out that he wasnt required to have a contract with them in the first place as they didn't own the land, due to the Taylor Grazing Act which was basically an agreement with a 3rd party (Gov't) to help end the grazing wars out west, ranchers 'signed on' and it morphed into what it is today.
The Finicums are trying to get a full investigation, I don't know about the autopsy results, as far as I can decipher they have not been released even to the family. The pickup is in a fenced lot in Portland covered with tarps. No pictures have been released.
I sincerely believe that the silence is due to a botched hit. Victoria, the girl who was with Lavoy, and her family are being followed and watched, too.
This is very serious and affects all Americans. Here's something pretty interesting, too:
How do I feel?

Seems to me that we need to define 'government' THEN we can decide how 'extreme' we need to be. I am not anti Constitutional government, I am not 'anti-me'!
Anti-FAUX-government? Hell yeah. That would include any and all executive branch (appointed-non-elected) agency or bureaucracy that maintains its own court system, its own law enforcement, makes its own rules & calls them laws that we all must obey.
I'm quite certain that the faux-government are the extreme that needs to be abolished.
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foundation horse
Reg. Aug 2004
Posted 2016-02-13 11:11 AM
Subject: RE: LaVoy Finecum......what really happened to him?

Military family

Semper Fi

Location: North Texas
Nevertooold - 2016-02-13 10:45 AM

If you don't find this scary and telling...You are really doomed and might as well hand over everything to the King..

On Friday,President Obama signed the 'Patriot Defense of Liberty Enabler Act' which is his latest in a series of Executive Orders to bring the U.S.'in compliance with United Nations Agenda 21'.
The President says his plan will allow the Federal Government to 'assume control of all Federal territory in case of a National Emergency or civil disobedience' and 'enhance Jade Helm protocols'.?The act would also allow U.N. Troops to assist U.S. forces when needed on domestic soil.
What do you think about the President's executive order that would allow the Federal Government to assume authority over 'all States and Territories' in the United States.Is this Obama's grab for Martial Law and a third term as President?
Join FOX & Friends Weekend as we discuss Obama's takeover of America with Constitutional Law experts Judge Jeanine Pirro, Ted Nugent,and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin this weekend on Fox News


The runup to martial law which would suspend elections........................
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2016-02-13 11:44 AM
Subject: RE: LaVoy Finecum......what really happened to him?

I Prefer to Live in Fantasy Land

Posts: 64864
Location: In the Hills of Texas
It's getting real and Obama will keep his pen filled and will continue to destroy this country. Sad that everyone is so afraid of doing the right thing. Impeachment. I'm sure they are afraid of a civil war. Rather have a civil war then be a slave to our government.
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Reg. Jan 2009
Posted 2016-02-13 11:48 AM
Subject: RE: LaVoy Finecum......what really happened to him?

I Don't Brag

Posts: 6960
musikmaker - 2016-02-13 10:46 AM

foundation horse - 2016-02-13 8:24 AM
Bear - 2016-02-13 8:56 AM I think there is a growing movement against government tyranny and overreach. Since I don't have a lot of familiarity with what these ranchers are dealing with, I'm just sitting back and watching the developments. It's hard to find objective, unbiased coverage of this. I love seeing any backlash against any government overreach and any exposure of government tyranny. Did Bundy refuse to pay the rent? Why, specifically? Was Finicum actually murdered? Where's the autopsy results? Did the family have a 2nd autopsy done? If so, why are they keeping this silent? Where are the politicians? Where is the national media coverage? They are quick to put cops under the spotlight when some thug is shot by cops, but when a guy like Finicum is gunned down, it's barely even mentioned. At the very least they should be demanding an investigation to settle this and put it to rest.
The absence of Main Stream Media Coverage in regards to this event is telling. Also, the lack of Public Statements from Local, State or Federal Politicians reveals there is something in this event that The Pols do not want publicized. While perhaps I question these folks' methods, I stand by their very right to question The Federal Government in regards to their actions! And from my individual perspective, the 'questioning' of The Feds is what scaring the Feds! Nowhere in the Constitution, is there any Constitution Authority pertaining to The BLM, Federal Forest Service, or owning land in the amounts The Feds have. Historical research reveals that The BLM is a descendant of The General Land Office whose original mandate was to DISPERSE Federally Owned to The American Public! Does the term Homesteading ring a bell with anyone here historically speaking? My final analysis of this event along with others is that The Federal Government is rogue.

Contrary to popular belief, Bundy did NOT refuse to pay, they refused to accept money because they wanted him off the land. Cliven then refused to leave, he cancelled his contract with the fed, legally...you see, he found out that he wasnt required to have a contract with them in the first place as they didn't own the land, due to the Taylor Grazing Act which was basically an agreement with a 3rd party (Gov't) to help end the grazing wars out west, ranchers 'signed on' and it morphed into what it is today.
The Finicums are trying to get a full investigation, I don't know about the autopsy results, as far as I can decipher they have not been released even to the family. The pickup is in a fenced lot in Portland covered with tarps. No pictures have been released.
I sincerely believe that the silence is due to a botched hit. Victoria, the girl who was with Lavoy, and her family are being followed and watched, too.
This is very serious and affects all Americans. Here's something pretty interesting, too:
How do I feel?

Seems to me that we need to define 'government' THEN we can decide how 'extreme' we need to be. I am not anti Constitutional government, I am not 'anti-me'!
Anti-FAUX-government? Hell yeah. That would include any and all executive branch (appointed-non-elected) agency or bureaucracy that maintains its own court system, its own law enforcement, makes its own rules & calls them laws that we all must obey.
I'm quite certain that the faux-government are the extreme that needs to be abolished.

Thank you for bringing up that Bundy tried to pay. I read (on mainstream media, believe it or not), That Mr Bundy tried to pay the state of Arizona, the party he actually made a contract with for grazing rights. The state refused the payments so he then put the money in to escrow so that it would be available and that his legal attempts to pay we supported by the funds being available. He did not REFUSE to pay.

Ware the protests, the tee shirts supporting these people trying to defend their (OUR) rights? Where is the "Ranch lives matter"? movement, or more to the point the "US citizens lives matter"? These people harmed no one, they did not destroy the facility they occupied. My guess is that high school girl who was quoted as wanting to feel safe again, was not threatened by the protesters but the hoards of gun toting military types that flooded the area.

I had wondered why they picked that particular facility to make their stand, and have now read that it gave them access to the government computer so that they could attempt to get more information to prove their case. THAT makes a little sense to me. Access, at a low traffic facility that posed little threat to the public at large, yet Big Brother labels them domestic terrorists.

Now reading the recent Executive order signed by the POTUS takes ALL of our Constitutional rights from us people!! We should ALL be terrified and up in arms about it. Yet the mainstream (even Fox News) says NOTHING about this or other such orders which set us up for absolute government control. It is not a government of the people or by the people for quite a long time now.
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Reg. Nov 2003
Posted 2016-02-13 12:00 PM
Subject: RE: LaVoy Finecum......what really happened to him?

Military family
Tried and True

Posts: 21185
Location: Where I am happiest
musikmaker - 2016-02-12 9:56 PM

I dare anyone to watch this...Unfiltered. Stuff you haven't seen yet. If you can watch this and still ve on the fence? Well, let me just say that out west the fences are all barbed wire...gets a little 'rough'...no juevos, you sit too long...comphrende? lol
My film about the happenings that took place in Nevada 2014 premieres on NewsmaxTV tonight at 9pm ET. Repeats at midnight ET. See what REALLY happened that day. Go to NewsmaxTV.com for channel listings or to watch online in real time.
You can buy it here, too, instead of waiting:
http://TONIGHT: 'A DAY AT BUNDY'S' My film about the happenings that took place in Nevada 2014 premieres on NewsmaxTV tonight at 9pm ET. Repeats at midnight ET. See what REALLY happened that day. Go to NewsmaxTV.com for channel listings or to watch online in real time.


I went to news max and couldn't find it? I then used the search on news max and nothing came up?
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2016-02-13 12:21 PM
Subject: RE: LaVoy Finecum......what really happened to him?

I Prefer to Live in Fantasy Land

Posts: 64864
Location: In the Hills of Texas
ThreeCorners - 2016-02-13 12:00 PM
musikmaker - 2016-02-12 9:56 PM I dare anyone to watch this...Unfiltered. Stuff you haven't seen yet. If you can watch this and still ve on the fence? Well, let me just say that out west the fences are all barbed wire...gets a little 'rough'...no juevos, you sit too long...comphrende? lol


My film about the happenings that took place in Nevada 2014 premieres on NewsmaxTV tonight at 9pm ET. Repeats at midnight ET. See what REALLY happened that day. Go to NewsmaxTV.com for channel listings or to watch online in real time.

You can buy it here, too, instead of waiting:

http://TONIGHT: 'A DAY AT BUNDY'S' My film about the happenings that took place in Nevada 2014 premieres on NewsmaxTV tonight at 9pm ET. Repeats at midnight ET. See what REALLY happened that day. Go to NewsmaxTV.com for channel listings or to watch online in real time.

I went to news max and couldn't find it? I then used the search on news max and nothing came up?

Looks like it was taken down. Obama has been busy between his pen and censorship.
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Reg. Nov 2003
Posted 2016-02-13 1:14 PM
Subject: RE: LaVoy Finecum......what really happened to him?

Military family
Tried and True

Posts: 21185
Location: Where I am happiest
rodeoveteran - 2016-02-13 11:48 AM
musikmaker - 2016-02-13 10:46 AM
foundation horse - 2016-02-13 8:24 AM
Bear - 2016-02-13 8:56 AM I think there is a growing movement against government tyranny and overreach. Since I don't have a lot of familiarity with what these ranchers are dealing with, I'm just sitting back and watching the developments. It's hard to find objective, unbiased coverage of this. I love seeing any backlash against any government overreach and any exposure of government tyranny. Did Bundy refuse to pay the rent? Why, specifically? Was Finicum actually murdered? Where's the autopsy results? Did the family have a 2nd autopsy done? If so, why are they keeping this silent? Where are the politicians? Where is the national media coverage? They are quick to put cops under the spotlight when some thug is shot by cops, but when a guy like Finicum is gunned down, it's barely even mentioned. At the very least they should be demanding an investigation to settle this and put it to rest.
The absence of Main Stream Media Coverage in regards to this event is telling. Also, the lack of Public Statements from Local, State or Federal Politicians reveals there is something in this event that The Pols do not want publicized. While perhaps I question these folks' methods, I stand by their very right to question The Federal Government in regards to their actions! And from my individual perspective, the 'questioning' of The Feds is what scaring the Feds! Nowhere in the Constitution, is there any Constitution Authority pertaining to The BLM, Federal Forest Service, or owning land in the amounts The Feds have. Historical research reveals that The BLM is a descendant of The General Land Office whose original mandate was to DISPERSE Federally Owned to The American Public! Does the term Homesteading ring a bell with anyone here historically speaking? My final analysis of this event along with others is that The Federal Government is rogue.
Contrary to popular belief, Bundy did NOT refuse to pay, they refused to accept money because they wanted him off the land. Cliven then refused to leave, he cancelled his contract with the fed, legally...you see, he found out that he wasnt required to have a contract with them in the first place as they didn't own the land, due to the Taylor Grazing Act which was basically an agreement with a 3rd party (Gov't) to help end the grazing wars out west, ranchers 'signed on' and it morphed into what it is today.

The Finicums are trying to get a full investigation, I don't know about the autopsy results, as far as I can decipher they have not been released even to the family. The pickup is in a fenced lot in Portland covered with tarps. No pictures have been released.

I sincerely believe that the silence is due to a botched hit. Victoria, the girl who was with Lavoy, and her family are being followed and watched, too.

This is very serious and affects all Americans. Here's something pretty interesting, too:


How do I feel?

Seems to me that we need to define 'government' THEN we can decide how 'extreme' we need to be. I am not anti Constitutional government, I am not 'anti-me'!

Anti-FAUX-government? Hell yeah. That would include any and all executive branch (appointed-non-elected) agency or bureaucracy that maintains its own court system, its own law enforcement, makes its own rules & calls them laws that we all must obey.

I'm quite certain that the faux-government are the extreme that needs to be abolished.
Thank you for bringing up that Bundy tried to pay. I read (on mainstream media, believe it or not), That Mr Bundy tried to pay the state of Arizona, the party he actually made a contract with for grazing rights. The state refused the payments so he then put the money in to escrow so that it would be available and that his legal attempts to pay we supported by the funds being available. He did not REFUSE to pay. Ware the protests, the tee shirts supporting these people trying to defend their (OUR) rights? Where is the "Ranch lives matter"? movement, or more to the point the "US citizens lives matter"? These people harmed no one, they did not destroy the facility they occupied. My guess is that high school girl who was quoted as wanting to feel safe again, was not threatened by the protesters but the hoards of gun toting military types that flooded the area. I had wondered why they picked that particular facility to make their stand, and have now read that it gave them access to the government computer so that they could attempt to get more information to prove their case. THAT makes a little sense to me. Access, at a low traffic facility that posed little threat to the public at large, yet Big Brother labels them domestic terrorists. Now reading the recent Executive order signed by the POTUS takes ALL of our Constitutional rights from us people!! We should ALL be terrified and up in arms about it. Yet the mainstream (even Fox News) says NOTHING about this or other such orders which set us up for absolute government control. It is not a government of the people or by the people for quite a long time now.

 From what I understand, Hammonds had a sending off gathering at their ranch just outside Burns Or. the day before they were to check back into jail. It was at this gathering, that a few decided there to occupy the wildlife refuge knowing it was closed for the season so they wouldnt be impeding anybody and yet would bring attention to the forefront of what was going on. They werent planning on it, but the emotion at the ranch gathering was to much and they went straight over there. It was stated Finicum didnt even have another change of clothes with him. They all held hands, the entire gathering and sang Amazing Grace and left.
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Reg. Nov 2003
Posted 2016-02-13 1:15 PM
Subject: RE: LaVoy Finecum......what really happened to him?

Military family
Tried and True

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 WHY dont those we voted in to congress impeach him already???
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Reg. Sep 2004
Posted 2016-02-13 1:31 PM
Subject: RE: LaVoy Finecum......what really happened to him?


Posts: 4565
Location: I can see the end of the world from here!
Nevertooold - 2016-02-13 11:21 AM
ThreeCorners - 2016-02-13 12:00 PM
musikmaker - 2016-02-12 9:56 PM I dare anyone to watch this...Unfiltered. Stuff you haven't seen yet. If you can watch this and still ve on the fence? Well, let me just say that out west the fences are all barbed wire...gets a little 'rough'...no juevos, you sit too long...comphrende? lol


My film about the happenings that took place in Nevada 2014 premieres on NewsmaxTV tonight at 9pm ET. Repeats at midnight ET. See what REALLY happened that day. Go to NewsmaxTV.com for channel listings or to watch online in real time.

You can buy it here, too, instead of waiting:

http://TONIGHT: 'A DAY AT BUNDY'S' My film about the happenings that took place in Nevada 2014 premieres on NewsmaxTV tonight at 9pm ET. Repeats at midnight ET. See what REALLY happened that day. Go to NewsmaxTV.com for channel listings or to watch online in real time.

I went to news max and couldn't find it? I then used the search on news max and nothing came up?
Looks like it was taken down. Obama has been busy between his pen and censorship.

The Constitution and those who love it are under attack...it's not the 'virus' it's the cure.
This link has a short 'trailer' of the video...I don't know what happened to the link I originally posted? It's gone...I also added the fb page:


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Reg. Sep 2004
Posted 2016-02-13 1:54 PM
Subject: RE: LaVoy Finecum......what really happened to him?


Posts: 4565
Location: I can see the end of the world from here!
Ahh...the case of the missing dvd's!
A few months ago I produced a DVD based on my experience at the Bundy Ranch. It all takes place on the day when the BLM and Bundy supporters went face to face in the desert. I have 1,500 DVDs in stock. A person who prefers to remain anonymous committed to buy all the DVDs in bulk and asked me to resell them on their behalf to you at a discounted price.
The money raised will be used to offset Ammon Bundy's legal fees. Pick up A DAY AT BUNDYs for just $12. FREE shipping. To buy the film, please go to:
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Chandler's Mom
Reg. Jan 2015
Posted 2016-02-13 3:28 PM
Subject: RE: LaVoy Finecum......what really happened to him?

My Heart Be Happy

Posts: 9159
Location: Arkansas
foundation horse - 2016-02-13 11:11 AM

Nevertooold - 2016-02-13 10:45 AM

If you don't find this scary and telling...You are really doomed and might as well hand over everything to the King..

On Friday,President Obama signed the 'Patriot Defense of Liberty Enabler Act' which is his latest in a series of Executive Orders to bring the U.S.'in compliance with United Nations Agenda 21'.
The President says his plan will allow the Federal Government to 'assume control of all Federal territory in case of a National Emergency or civil disobedience' and 'enhance Jade Helm protocols'.?The act would also allow U.N. Troops to assist U.S. forces when needed on domestic soil.
What do you think about the President's executive order that would allow the Federal Government to assume authority over 'all States and Territories' in the United States.Is this Obama's grab for Martial Law and a third term as President?
Join FOX & Friends Weekend as we discuss Obama's takeover of America with Constitutional Law experts Judge Jeanine Pirro, Ted Nugent,and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin this weekend on Fox News


The runup to martial law which would suspend elections........................

My dear Lord what has our nation become. . . .
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