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Investing in a horse?

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Reg. Jul 2006
Posted 2020-08-08 4:09 PM
Subject: RE: Investing in a horse?

Military family

Fact Checker

Posts: 16569
Location: Displaced Iowegian

GLP - 2020-08-07 8:57 PM

MarissaK - 2020-08-07 8:25 PM

Wow, you're a genius.

Again, if anyone has some real information pertaining to the post, I'd be happy to hear it. 

That was good advice. Could have been said different for sure, but still sound advice. 

For once, I have to agree with him ..... horses are not a good investment unless you are into it big time and can absorb the losses. Too many things can go wrong ..... doesn't take to training.... gets sick....gets injured ..... competition is tough and you had better have the skills and drive as the rider to put the work in to win ... 

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Delta Cowgirl
Reg. Apr 2005
Posted 2020-08-08 4:52 PM
Subject: RE: Investing in a horse?

The Vaccinator

Posts: 3810
Location: Slipping down the slope of old age. Boo hoo.

I partnered on horses back in the day with my best friend. We had the business together and worked with a CPA to assure we did everything right..... but instead of barrel horses, we invested in Hunter prospects because we could get a quick and better return.  My friend did the riding/showing and together we trained them. We made money BUT we were not burdened with big trainng bills since we did the training.  It can be exhilarating and fabulous or you can be in the pit of depression. Anything dealing with horses is risky.  My friend and I had a great time while we were partnering on horses -- and made fabulous memories of the shows and accomplishments and the ups and downs. The first World Championship was INCREDIBLE and worth every dime.  We won many more. Just go in with your eyes open and a good CPA.  


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Reg. Jul 2008
Posted 2020-08-09 12:54 AM
Subject: RE: Investing in a horse?

Take a Picture

Posts: 12826

I pay about $1000 a month and my trainer and I are good friends. She has to make a living training. I pay mileage when she goes to exhibition and any fees for the exhibitions. I pay entry fees and she gets a part of what the horse wins. Entry fees for some of the larger futurities is $750 to $1000. I pay for her travel parking space and stall. If she has other people's horses then some cost are split. When we went to the AQHA World Show, entry fees, travel, stalls, parking place ended up costing close to $1000. There isn't a big payout at that world show and none at any other.   If your horse does win a lot of money in futurities they are not going to sell for the amount of money you have invested in training. One other thing. These top trainers usually only take a certain number of horses at one time and you usually have to get on a waiting list. My trainer knows what I have when they are born so she has a spot for mine. They good trainers ride a lot of horses and will usually let you know in a couple of months if the horse has potential or not. I had one horse my trainer told me to get rid of because she couldn't remember stuff from day to day. Between getting her broke and her short stay at the barrel trainer I had $4200 in training in her. No way I could get that. 

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BS Hauler
Reg. Jan 2012
Posted 2020-08-09 11:12 AM
Subject: RE: Investing in a horse?


Posts: 1314
Location: North Central Iowa Land of white frozen grass

You will be farther ahead to buy cheap horses to clean up and train to flip.

You need to learn to swim in this business first. 

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Reg. Mar 2005
Posted 2020-08-09 11:16 AM
Subject: RE: Investing in a horse?

Famous for Not Complaining

Posts: 8848
Location: Broxton, Ga

NJJ - 2020-08-07 5:09 PM

GLP - 2020-08-07 8:57 PM

MarissaK - 2020-08-07 8:25 PM

Wow, you're a genius.

Again, if anyone has some real information pertaining to the post, I'd be happy to hear it. 

That was good advice. Could have been said different for sure, but still sound advice. 

For once, I have to agree with him ..... horses are not a good investment unless you are into it big time and can absorb the losses. Too many things can go wrong ..... doesn't take to training.... gets sick....gets injured ..... competition is tough and you had better have the skills and drive as the rider to put the work in to win ... 

Agree 100%

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SC Wrangler
Reg. Jul 2004
Posted 2020-08-09 11:22 AM
Subject: RE: Investing in a horse?

Nut Case Expert

Posts: 9305
Location: Tulsa, Ok

Head on down to the casino and punch a few buttons. The odds are about the same.  It will take a lot less time and effort and you will be in a climate controlled enviornment.

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Reg. May 2009
Posted 2020-08-09 4:40 PM
Subject: RE: Investing in a horse?

Location: Not Where I Want to Be

streakysox - 2020-08-09 1:54 AM

I pay about $1000 a month and my trainer and I are good friends. She has to make a living training. I pay mileage when she goes to exhibition and any fees for the exhibitions. I pay entry fees and she gets a part of what the horse wins. Entry fees for some of the larger futurities is $750 to $1000. I pay for her travel parking space and stall. If she has other people's horses then some cost are split. When we went to the AQHA World Show, entry fees, travel, stalls, parking place ended up costing close to $1000. There isn't a big payout at that world show and none at any other.   If your horse does win a lot of money in futurities they are not going to sell for the amount of money you have invested in training. One other thing. These top trainers usually only take a certain number of horses at one time and you usually have to get on a waiting list. My trainer knows what I have when they are born so she has a spot for mine. They good trainers ride a lot of horses and will usually let you know in a couple of months if the horse has potential or not. I had one horse my trainer told me to get rid of because she couldn't remember stuff from day to day. Between getting her broke and her short stay at the barrel trainer I had $4200 in training in her. No way I could get that. 

You're an idiot 



Just wanted to point that out for folks 




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Reg. Jul 2004
Posted 2020-08-09 5:50 PM
Subject: RE: Investing in a horse?

"Heck's Coming With Me"

Posts: 10787
Location: Kansas

SC Wrangler - 2020-08-09 11:22 AM

Head on down to the casino and punch a few buttons. The odds are about the same.  It will take a lot less time and effort and you will be in a climate controlled enviornment.

I am now a bonified casino rat and find it much more fun than trying to find shade at a 100 degree barrel race while I wait and wait and wait and wait.



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Reg. Mar 2005
Posted 2020-08-09 6:47 PM
Subject: RE: Investing in a horse?

Miracle in the Making

Posts: 4013

MarissaK - 2020-08-07 9:25 PM

Wow, you're a genius.

Again, if anyone has some real information pertaining to the post, I'd be happy to hear it. 

if you do not have any experence 1d gave you great advice  . even the best get screwed or just   run go get a house to flip buy good stocks  this is not a good idea


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Reg. Aug 2020
Posted 2020-08-09 7:50 PM
Subject: RE: Investing in a horse?


Posts: 6

Thanks for all the feedback guys! I appreciate it.

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Reg. Nov 2004
Posted 2020-08-10 2:04 PM
Subject: RE: Investing in a horse?


Posts: 1409
Location: Oklahoma

You are getting alot of negative,  its basically if you love the sport!  My friend always wanted to do futurities  She raised her own colt and got it broke and horse lived at the Trainers almost a year.  She placed or won almost everything she was entered in.  They broke even.  But she loves it that now she got 2 more that she fixing to send to 2 different trainers. 

That mare won alot! and she was amazing.  That doesnt happen very often! especially to first timers in futurity newbie!  So it can happen but even tho she won so much it took alot to be there! And she did get sick and had to sit out for awhile. 

It was really fun and stressful to watch my best friends lol! But it is so neat to see when they are a baby and what they become! 


There is also alot of heartbreak too.  The full sister to the mare that did so well , they lost her at just a couple months old in a freak accident.


So you just never know what will happen!  Whatever you decide let it be your decision   if It was easy it wouldnt be worth it!  There is worse things you could gamble with your money! lol  I would much rather gamble on a horse than at the casino!  I work at one! so I DO NOT give my money to the machines! lol


Good luvk and if I was a betting person I bet you all try at least once! lolol

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Reg. Mar 2005
Posted 2020-08-10 4:48 PM
Subject: RE: Investing in a horse?

You get what you give

Posts: 13030
Location: Texas

I'm with Liana D and 1DSoon... 


There are so many variables, so much that can go wrong... injuries, bone defects, training issues, like... the list goes on and on. I would only spend as much money as you are willing to lose and not bat an eye at. Because you can easily lose it all even when everything is done right.  IF you have that one horse that is a winner, you may sell it and make money. But, it may cripple itself before anyone asks to buy it. And then you're back to nothing. Or you may turn down offer X thinking in another 3 months you can get even more, and then they crippled themselves. 


To buy a top end prospect that would sell well.. you're probably looking to drop $25,000 on a 2YO-3YO easily.  If not more. And then, you'll invest a year of training at around $1000 a month. Another $12,000. Then you will have to pay him into all the futurities, because local doesnt go very far. Then, they have to actually win... You'll need insurance, which is probably $600-1200+, vet bills... lord its a money pit. 


Oh and you better do a full PPE before you buy the prospect because if you don't and he's got an OCD, have fun selling it for top dollar due to the risk. That would probbaly cost you $1000-1500 for a thorough exam. 

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Reg. Aug 2024
Posted 2024-11-11 11:32 PM
Subject: RE: Investing in a horse?


Posts: 2

On price, for a solid 2- or 3-year-old prospect, I’d say plan on spending at least $10-15k, though it varies depending on bloodline and potential.
Honestly, a lot of people go into horse investing more as a hobby than a guaranteed moneymaker, kind of like day trading. The reality is, even for pros, it’s not easy to make steady profits here. If you’re in it more for the business side, platforms like blackeaglefg.com are worth a look—they focus on structured investments, so they’re built around managing risk and getting a solid return.

Edited by Showshen 2024-11-15 12:34 AM
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Reg. Sep 2005
Posted 2024-11-19 1:33 PM
Subject: RE: Investing in a horse?


Horses are not an investment. They are for enjoyment, IMO. They are like buying a lottery ticket, in terms of an investment, only much more expensive,  time consuming,  & much harder on the joints. Would I suggest buying a horse? Sure, if you have the extra money AND the time to spend on them. The saying "If you want to make a million on horses, you need to start with 2 million", is even more relevant today than it was when the saying started.

My investment portfolio NEVER listed my horses. I took the tax benefits to help cover the losses, but my financial portfolio has definitely done better, multifold, than my "investments" in horses. The portfolio couldn't give me the great experiences I had with my horse, so I am glad I had the ability to enjoy them, plus put money into more realistic,  consistent investment plan that is based on compounding interest. 

Edited by bingo 2024-11-19 1:35 PM
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Reg. Mar 2005
Posted 2024-12-02 6:04 PM
Subject: RE: Investing in a horse?

Famous for Not Complaining

Posts: 8848
Location: Broxton, Ga

Bankruptcy starter kit........buy a horse....

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