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The American

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Last activity 2024-03-11 12:54 PM
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Reg. Jan 2009
Posted 2023-03-12 10:18 AM
Subject: RE: The American

Location: South Dakota

I watched it on INSP and thought it was great watching!! Sure there are things that could use improvement, especially communication on where to watch. The online experience was not nearly as good, as watching it on INSP, but a big thumbs up overall! 

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Reg. Apr 2009
Posted 2023-03-12 1:38 PM
Subject: RE: The American

Living within my means

Posts: 5126
Location: Randolph, Utah

Is there a way to watch the whole thing on a firestick? I tried downloading CBS Sports and couldn't find it. I paid for Paramount plus because it has CBS sports but no luck there either. 

I have INSP and we were able to watch the final 4 but I'd like to watch the whole thing. 

The cowboy channel definitely did a much better job with coverage. 

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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2023-03-12 3:05 PM
Subject: RE: The American

Lived to tell about it and will never do it again

Posts: 5400

Palopony - 2023-03-11 8:07 PM

HorsePoorSince96 - 2023-03-10 12:58 PM

I think you can stream it live on Teton Ridge.  They are also playing the championship round only on Sat night on INSP at 9pm CST and then the full show Sunday night on CBS Sports Network at 9pm CST.  It is so dumb and confusing.

Thank you for posting this.  I think the coverage on the INSP channel is live, now I can record it.

I felt so bad for Sherry Cervi but when she gets that mare dialed in, she is going to be wicked.

ETA:  364 on Direct   259 on Dish and mine comes on at 10 

We were only able to watch the final 4, What happened to Sherry Cervi?  She is such a hand with a horse.

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Reg. Feb 2006
Posted 2023-03-12 5:44 PM
Subject: RE: The American

Ms. Dr. Phil

Location: My happy place

euchee - 2023-03-12 4:05 PM

Palopony - 2023-03-11 8:07 PM

HorsePoorSince96 - 2023-03-10 12:58 PM

I think you can stream it live on Teton Ridge.  They are also playing the championship round only on Sat night on INSP at 9pm CST and then the full show Sunday night on CBS Sports Network at 9pm CST.  It is so dumb and confusing.

Thank you for posting this.  I think the coverage on the INSP channel is live, now I can record it.

I felt so bad for Sherry Cervi but when she gets that mare dialed in, she is going to be wicked.

ETA:  364 on Direct   259 on Dish and mine comes on at 10 

We were only able to watch the final 4, What happened to Sherry Cervi?  She is such a hand with a horse.

Her mare slipped bad on the first barrel, but she sure looks fast.  I wonder why Haley didn't ride Sister?  And I know the Kiss horse is really fast, but she looks so slow to be that fast.  JMO

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Reg. May 2010
Posted 2023-03-14 3:32 PM
Subject: RE: The American

Thread Hog

Posts: 5885
Location: Beecher IL

Not sure why everyone is saying Teton Ridge has ruined it? Is there not still a million dollar purse? I think it makes sense to have regional finals. Can you imagine qualifing but then your finances dont line up with driving to Texas for the semi? So weed some of the competitors out at regionals before you get to semis. Its just more of a bracket break down. 

The live stream was easy as can be. and it was FREE. Teton ridge plus sign up and click LIVE. Super easy. RFDTV is old school. Everyone complains about the younger generation not stepping in, but someone does and now its not good enough?

I for one am thankful to have watched and cheered on the little guy that did make it. 


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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2023-03-14 3:49 PM
Subject: RE: The American

Lived to tell about it and will never do it again

Posts: 5400

Did Haley run Sister at all in any of the qualifiers?


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Reg. Oct 2005
Posted 2023-03-14 4:32 PM
Subject: RE: The American

The best bad guy on the internet

Posts: 3519
Location: Arizona

I just wish the Pro riders weren't allowed in the American. I wish the million dollars was for the folks that don't have the sponsors and big money...I guess they wouldn't sell tickets then. Maybe if you have been to the NFR you can't run at the American...maybe do that....lol. 

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run n rate
Reg. Feb 2007
Posted 2023-03-14 5:29 PM
Subject: RE: The American

Balance Beam and more...

Posts: 11485
Location: 31 lengths farms

br3turns2hearts - 2023-03-15 1:32 PM

Not sure why everyone is saying Teton Ridge has ruined it? Is there not still a million dollar purse? I think it makes sense to have regional finals. Can you imagine qualifing but then your finances dont line up with driving to Texas for the semi? So weed some of the competitors out at regionals before you get to semis. Its just more of a bracket break down. 

The live stream was easy as can be. and it was FREE. Teton ridge plus sign up and click LIVE. Super easy. RFDTV is old school. Everyone complains about the younger generation not stepping in, but someone does and now its not good enough?

I for one am thankful to have watched and cheered on the little guy that did make it. 


One issue is that we dont' have access to live stream out where we live...Sometimes "old school" becomes Old School because it works for more people in general with out needing internet connection in rurural areas where we can't get any.

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Reg. Oct 2013
Posted 2023-03-14 5:39 PM
Subject: RE: The American

I just read the headlines

Posts: 4483

The whole purpose of the American, as I understand it, was to let the world compete against the pro's to prove that the "weekend warriors" COULD run with the big dogs. I loved the American the first couple years. It was easy to follow - the top ten in the WPRA against the rest of the barrel racing world and the one invitee. But now it's too convoluted and we don't get service to livestream out here so I have lost interest. 

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Reg. May 2004
Posted 2023-03-14 10:05 PM
Subject: RE: The American

Military family

Keeper of the King Snake

Posts: 7595
Location: Dubach, LA

LIVE2RUN - 2023-03-14 4:32 PM

I just wish the Pro riders weren't allowed in the American. I wish the million dollars was for the folks that don't have the sponsors and big money...I guess they wouldn't sell tickets then. Maybe if you have been to the NFR you can't run at the American...maybe do that....lol. 

Yes! It started out as an equal opportunity. If you had a fast horse and the nerves to do it, you could run at a local qualifier and earn a trip to semifinals. Now it's a hauling contest that rewards the jockeys riding for the richest owners or best sponsors. Yes, the jockeys are talented. They are, for the most part, professionals or semi professionals. 

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Reg. Jul 2004
Posted 2023-03-15 7:51 AM
Subject: RE: The American

"Heck's Coming With Me"

Posts: 10787
Location: Kansas

Last year when the "American" awarded two million to a "Brazilian" non-citizen I was done.

Edited by Frodo 2023-03-15 8:00 AM
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Reg. Jul 2012
Posted 2023-03-15 9:51 AM
Subject: RE: The American

Military family

That's White "Man" to You

Posts: 5514

Palopony - 2023-03-12 5:44 PM

euchee - 2023-03-12 4:05 PM

Palopony - 2023-03-11 8:07 PM

HorsePoorSince96 - 2023-03-10 12:58 PM

I think you can stream it live on Teton Ridge.  They are also playing the championship round only on Sat night on INSP at 9pm CST and then the full show Sunday night on CBS Sports Network at 9pm CST.  It is so dumb and confusing.

Thank you for posting this.  I think the coverage on the INSP channel is live, now I can record it.

I felt so bad for Sherry Cervi but when she gets that mare dialed in, she is going to be wicked.

ETA:  364 on Direct   259 on Dish and mine comes on at 10 

We were only able to watch the final 4, What happened to Sherry Cervi?  She is such a hand with a horse.

Her mare slipped bad on the first barrel, but she sure looks fast.  I wonder why Haley didn't ride Sister?  And I know the Kiss horse is really fast, but she looks so slow to be that fast.  JMO

They were pulling embryos on Sister.  

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Reg. May 2010
Posted 2023-03-15 12:30 PM
Subject: RE: The American

Thread Hog

Posts: 5885
Location: Beecher IL

And for the people who do not have access to RFDTV? Then what? Times are changing guys! No way will everyone ever be happy sadly. Have to go with the majority 

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Reg. Apr 2020
Posted 2023-03-15 2:26 PM
Subject: RE: The American


Posts: 15

I for one was happy to be able to watch it. I don't have cable and am never able to watch the NFR unless I shell out the $90 or whatever it is for RidePass. Tetonridge streamed it for free and I thought did a good job with coverage. Plus their free under/over game was fun. 

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Reg. Mar 2004
Posted 2024-03-09 9:48 AM
Subject: RE: The American

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 555
Location: In the rockies.

She just ran him at 377 ranch and made an Amazing run!! 3/4/2024. There is 

a good chance we will see him today!!

Go Stevie and Truck


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Reg. Jul 2006
Posted 2024-03-09 3:51 PM
Subject: RE: The American

Military family

Fact Checker

Posts: 16569
Location: Displaced Iowegian

GOBABYGO - 2024-03-09 9:48 AM

She just ran him at 377 ranch and made an Amazing run!! 3/4/2024. There is 

a good chance we will see him today!!

Go Stevie and Truck


Too bad you won't see them on TV ...... Teton Ridge is NOT broadcasting ANY of the American "live" ...... But you can watch it a WEEK later ..... NOT


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Mighty Broke
Reg. Jul 2004
Posted 2024-03-11 7:46 AM
Subject: RE: The American

Guys Just Wanna Have Fun

Posts: 5524
Location: OH

From what I am hearing, it will be live next year. They have signed a 3 year contract with Fox and the deal was done too late to get everything in place to go live. This will be a HUGE deal for the rodeo world to have this on a majot network--HUGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Reg. Jan 2008
Posted 2024-03-11 12:54 PM
Subject: RE: The American

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 407

Stevi Hillman is not a guy

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