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Hawaii Horse Life?

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Last activity 2023-04-19 1:47 PM
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Reg. Aug 2009
Posted 2023-04-12 1:53 AM
Subject: Hawaii Horse Life?

Off the Wall Wacky

Posts: 2981
Location: Louisiana

Feel like I'm stepping back in time posting here, but ya girl's desperate!??


Anyway, I took a break from horses/barrel racing for the Army. I just got out and I'm ready to dabble again. I have two back home, one retired gelding, and one that's 20 but still got some gas in the tank. 

Buuuutttttt...my boyfriend is currently stationed in Hawaii and long distance is working for us, but I'm over it. But I'm scared if I put off horses for another 5 years I just won't ever get back to where I want to be. 

Does anyone have any knowledge of barns/arenas/etc on Oahu? I wouldn't dare ship and quarantine a 20yo gelding, but I'd be interested in a lease. 
My short term horsey goals are to get back in the swing of things and prove to myself I still got it haha. 

Thanks for any and all info!!

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Reg. Jan 2008
Posted 2023-04-13 2:11 PM
Subject: RE: Hawaii Horse Life?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 407

When I visited Maui they had horses and even rodeos. So maybe they have them on Oahu too.


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Reg. Nov 2003
Posted 2023-04-14 3:04 PM
Subject: RE: Hawaii Horse Life?

Military family

Rebel Without a Cause

Posts: 2758
Location: Adopt a homeless pet - www.petfinder.com!

Do you know if any of the military installations on Oahu have stables? The AF base stables we used when my husband was active duty allowed access to Navy and Army as well. Military stables are usually run through MWR and run by the "members" aka boarders. Might also be a way to find a horse to lease if people go TDY or get stationed somewhere else and don't want to take the horse. I saw that happen at Elmendorf/Ft Rich when we boarded there.

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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2023-04-16 8:38 PM
Subject: RE: Hawaii Horse Life?

Military family

The Original Cyber Bartender

Location: Washington

dashnlotti - 2023-04-11 11:53 PM

Feel like I'm stepping back in time posting here, but ya girl's desperate!??


Anyway, I took a break from horses/barrel racing for the Army. I just got out and I'm ready to dabble again. I have two back home, one retired gelding, and one that's 20 but still got some gas in the tank. 

Buuuutttttt...my boyfriend is currently stationed in Hawaii and long distance is working for us, but I'm over it. But I'm scared if I put off horses for another 5 years I just won't ever get back to where I want to be. 

Does anyone have any knowledge of barns/arenas/etc on Oahu? I wouldn't dare ship and quarantine a 20yo gelding, but I'd be interested in a lease. 
My short term horsey goals are to get back in the swing of things and prove to myself I still got it haha. 

Thanks for any and all info!!

Lived over there over 20 + years ago, was there just last summer for a visit. A lot has changed.

Wheeler Army Base use to have a boarding facility. 

Gunstock Ranch North Shore, different deal when I trained horse there, but worth looking into for employment? 

Buddy Gibson use to do the only rodeo's on Oahu, his son has taken over. They are located in Makakilo. 

Wishing you and your boyfriend the best of luck, miliary life can be challenging, but so rewarding in serving this great country. 


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Reg. May 2010
Posted 2023-04-19 1:47 PM
Subject: RE: Hawaii Horse Life?

Thread Hog

Posts: 5885
Location: Beecher IL

I personally would not move to Hawaii for a boyfriend. Just my two cents. 

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