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Has the world changed so much or prejudice so high that the males are constanty gaslighting

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Last activity 2023-05-30 3:59 PM
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Reg. May 2021
Posted 2023-05-10 6:19 AM
Subject: RE: Has the world changed so much or prejudice so high that the males are constanty gaslighting


Posts: 165

I dont think it is just males and agree with crossspur everyone is just angry.  I see it everywhere at work, resturants, shopping, even just vacationing or camping people are so unhappy and anger is their coping mechanism.  I think venting is healthy and see a lot of it on facebook which is so much better than taking it out on people that are just trying to do their job and enjoy some relax time.  I go out of my way to be extra nice to people and I have to work on it because I get angry too when I think of all that this world has been hit with lately.  I was almost ran over in the parking lot of the grocery store walking to put my cart up because an impatient man was trying to get in a spot before someone else got it and he gave me the stink eye like it was my fault.  I muttered what I wanted to really yell at him.

Then this other thing about getting on here just to point a finger at comments others are making is gaslighting in a way too and I laughed at first then  I removed my initial emoji response though it was honest it was not necessary. I see it on facebook trying to make others feel guilty or bad about making a discussion about politics or religion when you know sometimes their situation is because of politics and their faith.  When a group that is politcal in its policies makes it a mission to know how to raise your children better than the parents, the behavior of the child is not always because of bad parenting but a village that is undermining the parent behind their back.  I know this first hand to be true.  I guess I am venting too.

Edited by Ricki 2023-05-10 6:25 AM
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Reg. Jul 2004
Posted 2023-05-10 8:00 AM
Subject: RE: Has the world changed so much or prejudice so high that the males are constanty gaslighting

"Heck's Coming With Me"

Posts: 10787
Location: Kansas

Does anybody wonder when trans women will become members of the WPRA?


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Reg. May 2009
Posted 2023-05-10 10:51 AM
Subject: RE: Has the world changed so much or prejudice so high that the males are constanty gaslighting

Warrior Mom

Posts: 4400

Frodo - 2023-05-10 8:00 AM

Does anybody wonder when trans women will become members of the WPRA?


I believe it has already been attempted without success.  I also believe the association covered their butts with the rules stating what gender you are assigned at birth is what they abide by. Could be wrong but I've heard this more than once. There are several options available for both men and wanna be women to run anyway. It's not like they can't go out and compete with biological women any day of the week or weekend. 

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Reg. Dec 2007
Posted 2023-05-10 11:11 AM
Subject: RE: Has the world changed so much or prejudice so high that the males are constanty gaslighting

BHW Resident Surgeon

Posts: 25351
Location: Bastrop, Texas

I don't chime in very often anymore, but on this matter I will.
There are a lot of things going on that I believe are driving people stark raving mad. I don't have to list them....but I will list some anyway, just for the hell of it.  All of these are just my opinion, but I'm confident most people will agree.  No single person is responsible.  We all realize that Joe Biden is incompetent and much of that is because he is progressively declining, in terms of his cognitive function.  Biden is barely aware of where he is and even who he is half the time.  
1.) Our kids and grandkids -  Can you even imagine what it would be like if we were raised in today's world?  All this talk about gender identity and "gender affirming care" in schools and even highly regarded medical centers. Kids being told not to use the terms "male" and "female", rather, "sperm producing person" and "egg producing person".  Stories of kids undergoing gender transformation without parental notification.  How does that happen? Drag Queen shows for little kids? Are you kidding me?!  You get the idea.

2.) Teachers and education - Teachers in many schools walk into a war zone every day. They are constantly on alert for armed shooters, and at risk of personal assault from students. They are powerless to discipline students. They themselves are subject to constant attempts to compel them to teach about gender identity and CRT, as well as revisionist history.  Kids are not allowed to fail. Too many schools are sheer hell, and don't think for a minute that these things going on in urban schools don't have an insidious effect everywhere throughout the country. They most certainly do.

3.) The economy - self explanatory. Obviously economic stresses generally tend to **** people off. Both political parties are to blame. All politicians pander, and the easiest way to pander is to promise free sh!t. We had an infusion of printed money into this already weakened economy, pouring gas on already existing inflationary trends.  Houses that used to cost X dollars say 5 years ago cost twice that, if not more.  Pickups that cost $60K a few years ago cost $90K now.  Then there's food.....gas......taxes......property taxes.....everything.

4.) Talk of rapid decline of the US on the world stage.  We don't even know what that will be like, because we've always been #1 in just about everything. The US dollar has been the preferred world reserve currency, but over the last 2-3 years we've seen the Chinese Yuan replace the dollar in places like Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Russia, India, and even France.

5.) Wars, and talk of wars - It's one thing to be engaged in some proxy war in the Middle East, but we are sending hundreds of billions to Ukraine to engage in yet another proxy war with the one nuclear power who has literally threatened nuclear war.  The combined GDP of Britain and the EU is roughly the same as ours, yet we commit over twice as much in money and armaments to a corrupt country like Ukraine as Europe and Britain combined. Again, Republicans and Democrats share in culpability.  As Trump has said, we have very stupid leaders and we've been suckers. Maybe too crude and brash, but he's been saying this for decades.....and I think he's right. The unelected powerful bureaucrats in our nations Capitol know he is right, which is why they are pulling out all the stops to destroy him.  The guy has been over the target. I think they will resort to whatever it takes to stop him....literally anything. Think JFK. 

6.) "Climate Change" - We all know this one. They have been honing this tool since I was a kid. Ridiculous, extreme measures being forced down our throats with real economic and social consequences that harm all of us.  The grotesque hypocrisy of these purveyors of the "Climate Change" Religion are impossible to miss. Anyone who questions man made climate change is subject to gaslighting on steroids. We are labeled "climate change deniers" and even "threats to Democracy". Yet, none of the disasters they predicted to occur 20+ years ago has come to fruition.  We are expected to accept that our livestock are a threat to civilization. We are being told to eat bugs and "meat" grown in a laboratory.  We are being told that gas stoves need to be replaced by electric stoves, even though that electricity is derived from gas, oil, and coal. Oceans of ugly wind turbines clutter the landscapes and seashore vistas.  Children in Africa and Asia are being used for lithium mines to build $30,000 batteries which are subject to white hot car fires that require a lake to extinguish.  We are seeing areas of the country where only eV's are being mandated, in spite of the fact that their electrical grid is inadequate to support essential, life saving needs of the citizens.  I'm convinced that most people know this whole movement is misguided, even a hoax, but people are gaslighted into a perpetual state of fear of retribution, should they express their doubts....so everyone nods like good servile lemmings.

7.) "Racism" - another political tool. We all know how that's evolved. 

8.) National sovereignty and security - Keep an eye on the southern border tomorrow.  These people are not refugees seeking asylum.  They are tools....votes....power.  Forget about the fentanyl, criminals, terrorists, human traffickers, and welfare dependents.....that's irrelevant to those in power who stand to benefit.

I'm worn out, yet I've only scratched the surface. The OP queried about "gaslighting" and so much anger out there.  Seriously, is there really any mystery as to why?

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Reg. Jul 2004
Posted 2023-05-10 12:32 PM
Subject: RE: Has the world changed so much or prejudice so high that the males are constanty gaslighting

"Heck's Coming With Me"

Posts: 10787
Location: Kansas

Couldn't have said it better myself Bear.  Simply don't have the vocabulary. You are amazing.   Thanks !!!  





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cow pie
Reg. Nov 2009
Posted 2023-05-14 8:20 AM
Subject: RE: Has the world changed so much or prejudice so high that the males are constanty gaslighting

Military family

Sock eating dog owner

Posts: 4543
Location: Where the pavement ends and the West begins Utah

I am tired too bear. I am tired of "males" in particular just constantly "pecking" at me in particular ,maybe cause I don't ruffle so easily.

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Reg. May 2009
Posted 2023-05-15 6:10 PM
Subject: RE: Has the world changed so much or prejudice so high that the males are constanty gaslighting

Location: Not Where I Want to Be

cow pie - 2023-05-14 9:20 AM

I am tired too bear. I am tired of "males" in particular just constantly "pecking" at me in particular ,maybe cause I don't ruffle so easily.

if this is such a common occurence in your world, have you ever thought it may be you? 




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Reg. Jul 2004
Posted 2023-05-16 9:01 AM
Subject: RE: Has the world changed so much or prejudice so high that the males are constanty gaslighting

"Heck's Coming With Me"

Posts: 10787
Location: Kansas

1DSoon - 2023-05-15 6:10 PM

cow pie - 2023-05-14 9:20 AM

I am tired too bear. I am tired of "males" in particular just constantly "pecking" at me in particular ,maybe cause I don't ruffle so easily.

if this is such a common occurence in your world, have you ever thought it may be you? 

I can remember in my younger days sometimes thriving to be "too nice", found out later that a little Beth Dutton in the equation can go a long way............


Edited by Frodo 2023-05-16 9:02 AM
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Reg. Jun 2005
Posted 2023-05-16 2:39 PM
Subject: RE: Has the world changed so much or prejudice so high that the males are constanty gaslighting

To the Left

Posts: 1865
Location: Florida

I think it is the constant stress caused by politics of all parties and all around the world.  Politicians create an issue or crisis to get votes and anger or stress everyone out, just for votes.

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Reg. Dec 2007
Posted 2023-05-30 2:46 PM
Subject: RE: Has the world changed so much or prejudice so high that the males are constanty gaslighting

BHW Resident Surgeon

Posts: 25351
Location: Bastrop, Texas

A lot has changed over the past 2-3 generations, and I agree with NJJ in that kids were raised differently, but in my opinion it's much more than bratty, ill-mannered kids. It's also more than just conservative versus liberal politics....but politics is definitely part of what's going on. I'll list some random things that contribute to the apathy, cynicism, rage, and hate.

Kids are confused as hell. We all know about "gender affirming care" that is sweeping across the country even reaching some small towns. It's not just that. There are places where if a child decides he/she is a cat, the teachers are not allowed to even try to convince him/her otherwise. In fact they are required to provide a litter box for the child. I'm not talking about LA or San Francisco either.  I'm talking about the midwest... a small town in Iowa where the parents lead the kid around on a leash.  This is just one example of what has overcome our society.  You get my drift.

Meanwhile, the actual quality of our kids education is dropping like a rock.

We have all seen the evidence of increased governmental intrusion into our lives and corruption at the highest levels...DOJ election meddling, censorship, and various nefarious deeds, such as labeling parents who protest at school board meetings as "domestic terrorists". 

We see "climate change" used as a weapon to justify the elimination of fossil fuels, the eventual elimination of cattle, and even as an excuse for allowing millions of unvetted illegal migrants from 190 countries to cross our border.

We are financing a war that has led to threats of the use of nuclear weapons by the country with the most nuclear weapons on earth. We finance twice as much as the entire EU and Britain combined, with no accounting of where the money goes.

Cops are retiring early, for obvious reasons, while violent felons are carjacking, looting, and beating the hel! out of innocent citizens for no reasons. 

We are hearing stories of various government schemes to eliminate cash, and replace it with a central bank wireless system, based on bullsh!t like equity, social justice, and climate change.  People don't understand this, because it's not meant to be understood.

Many people are convinced of the eventuality of actual civil war, and some think it's already begun.

We are told we have a duty to vote, and that's how we can change things.  Really?  We need to wake up and realize the power of politically aligned corporations, legacy media, and undlected bureaucrats. 

These are just a few random examples of reasons why there is more division, hate, and rage in the world around us. 



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Reg. Dec 2007
Posted 2023-05-30 2:50 PM
Subject: RE: Has the world changed so much or prejudice so high that the males are constanty gaslighting

BHW Resident Surgeon

Posts: 25351
Location: Bastrop, Texas

Oops,I guess I already posted on this a few weeks ago.  That's OK I suppose.

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cow pie
Reg. Nov 2009
Posted 2023-05-30 3:49 PM
Subject: RE: Has the world changed so much or prejudice so high that the males are constanty gaslighting

Military family

Sock eating dog owner

Posts: 4543
Location: Where the pavement ends and the West begins Utah

Pretty sure it's not me .I do what I am supposed to do nothing more and I don't tell them how to do there job. They can't handle the males they work with so they come take it out on me  mind you Im small like a kid and they are mostly bipolar to begin with. I keep to my self not you social butterfly.

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Reg. Jul 2004
Posted 2023-05-30 3:59 PM
Subject: RE: Has the world changed so much or prejudice so high that the males are constanty gaslighting

"Heck's Coming With Me"

Posts: 10787
Location: Kansas

Bear - 2023-05-30 2:50 PM

Oops,I guess I already posted on this a few weeks ago.  That's OK I suppose.

That isn't a whoops.   Enjoy your posts.  

40 teens in Florida attacking three marines for asking them not to shoot fireworks on the beach.

Stores closing across the country because of brazen looting.

Dodger Stadium hosting a show by drag queens impersonating nuns in the most disgusting ways you can imagine. Thank you Clayton Kershaw for disapproving.

Military vets being thrown out of hotels so illegal migrants can have their rooms

Corrupt Biden family trading us all off for money.              Dang!!!!!


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