Today is
Many that have been on here forever know that we have been breeding horses for a long time(24th crop) with a large focus on Driftwood and Sun Frost bloodlines. We have a son of Lone Drifter--PC Lonewood Special and we had a son of Sun Frost--PC Frosty Jay Jay. We lost JJ unexpectedly 2 years ago to freak accident which really put a cramp in our long term goals of crossing daughters of each stallion back on one another, but luckily, we had this one. PC Frosty Jay Jay is the palomino---PC Lonewood Special --and the roan is JJ Future Frost---he is just two but he is now our Future. He is by JJ and out of a daughter of PC Lonewood Special.
Here is another---he is a yearling stud that I just haven't had the nerve to geld yet, as they say--you can't put em back on. LOL
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