No Tune in a Bucket
Posts: 2935
Location: Texas | My nephew has a mare that he raised. She has always been so friendly, in your pocket kind of horse. Now that she is actually old enough to so something with, they have started roping off of her. He was loving her but now she has started ringing her tail and peeing when they ask anything of her. Has anyone been sucessful with any supplements for this behavior? I think she is a 4 year now but she had gone from being everyone's favorite girl to no one wants to ride her. Any help would be appreciated. |
Posts: 2
| I feel your furstration. I raised my mare from birth. At 3 she turned into the wicked witch and became dangerious. I tried several different options and was about to go to drastic measures when I found CEP No-Drama. It is the closest thing to a miricle I have tried in 40 years of handleing horses. I also simplified her diet and now I have the horse back that I had when I started her at 2. No tail ringing and acting like a crazy you know what. It took 3 weeks for me to start seeing a differance and the longer she has been on it the better it she has acted. I know she is more comfortable/ |
Posts: 1682
Location: Willows, CA | A mare that age can be very reactive to soy in the diet due to the estrogen level present in soy. If you are feeding a grain based concnetrate that contains soy you may see a difference by replacing it with a soy free product. |
Posts: 1472
Location: Illinois | The one's I know that have done that had ovarian cysts. You could have her ultrasounded to rule that out as well |
No Tune in a Bucket
Posts: 2935
Location: Texas | Thanks. I will let him know. |
Take a Picture
Posts: 12812
| When were the horse's teeth floated? |
No Tune in a Bucket
Posts: 2935
Location: Texas | I am not sure when her teeth were last floated but will ask. They checked her feed and it does not contain soy and they had checked her ovaries and they were ok. She is such a nice mare and well bred, it is just a shame they have to deal with this. |
Posts: 1682
Location: Willows, CA | With what you have eliminated to this point, I would suspect ulcers. You can do a quick check yourself by testing trigger points. Look at Mark DePaolo's video on doing this. It is certainly not definitive, but can be a good starting point to indicate further investigation. I have seen this work on a before and after treatment basis and it has worked for me.
Edited by winwillows 2024-07-25 1:40 PM
Ms Bling Bling Sleeze Kitty
Posts: 20882
Location: LouLouVille, OK | IMHO. no horse just changes over night to these things, not mare, not gelding. Glad they are noticing, but I agree with everyone saying, ulcers, and feed. I will throw out there, saddle fit, a good SOUNDNESS VET, to look at angles and breakovers in feet, to check for soreness in hocks, back, front feet, maybe a chiro to make sure she isn't out in her withers or ribs or anywhere else. This doesn't sound like a supplement issue to me, but again, just my opinion. |
Posts: 2
| I have experienced the same issues as your Nephew is with his mare. Horemones in Humans are chemically the same as Humans. And just like us women no two mare experience the same hormone issues. I did a lot of testing and worked with the Vets at Oakridge Equine, one of the best places to go, and the CEP No Drama did a lot to correct what nothing else did. I think it also helped that I simplied her diet. I think she was experincing Hormonal Anxiety and that cause her behavior and it also caused weight loss.
Industrial Srength Barrel Racer
Posts: 7256
| She may need caslick's. |
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 349
Location: texas | so I tried every supplement out there for my mare, now she wasnt being ugly or peeing in her runs BUT lots of tail swishing and just refused to get in the ground and use herself... as a last ditch effort i went to the OSTEOPATH - had an internal done and that mare was a mess on the inside - adhesions everywhere - i took lots of manipulation to get everything released.... then we started her on ROSEHIPS AND KELP now these regulate tyhe thyroid and keep the hormones working in high stress situations - i csn atest to these as i myself have a nonfx thyroid gland. these 2 cheap poweders off amazon have been a absolute game changer - its one tablespoon of each once a day... i serious tried all the supplements and REGUMATE - nothing worked!!!!!!!!!! good luck - hope u get ur mare some relief |